Read about personality preferences (Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicators).

Bibliography...Myers Briggs (Personality) Type Indicator

Myers, Isabel Briggs; Gifts Differing
   Best basic explanation of MBTI

Lawrence, Gordon; People Types & Tiger Stripes
   Practical guide to learning styles

Keirsey, David; Please Understand Me
   Good discussions of interactions of various marriage,
      leadership, etc.
   NOTE: brief quiz for typing is too brief to be reliable

Grant, W. Harold; From Image to Likeness
   affirming book which combines biblical insights with MBTI theory

Kroeger, Otto; Type Talk
   recent popular easy discussion of meaning of types

Lauter, Estella; Feminist Archetypal Theory
   interdisciplinary re-visions of Jungian thought
   I haven't read this yet!!

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This web page last updated September 22, 2006.